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privacy policy page

  • 2- islands (region): ALTRO LUOGO
  • lingua che utilizzi per l'annuncio: Italian
  • Listed: 07/03/2024 08:30
  • Expires: 59 Days, 9 hours

Information about the ad poster

  • Listed by: EeeVai
  • Member Since: 09/12/2014
Other items listed by: EeeVai
Condividi annuncio


The use of the site automatically implies acceptance of the rules
You agree that your personal data will be stored and used in accordance with the Privacy Policy

the data that are entered, are not transferred to third parties
are used only for site management.
The data that we site administrators display,

are those that you provide at the time of your registration,

(We can't see the passwords you enter)
The ads or ads you create are public,

your data or contacts you enter you,
in these listings or description,
ES: your phone numbers, email, and other sensitive data will be visible to everyone.
On these data visible to all only you are responsible for their correctness and truthfulness
Your contacts that we provide to other users in the contact form to contact you
are (Email) that are not directly visible to third parties.
who will contact you via our contact form,
your e-mail address, will not be visible.
only when you, you will answer,
Other users will be able to see your address.
The contact form is equipped with an anti-spam system.
You are responsible for the contacts you provide in clear text on the ads.

We cannot see absolutely your passwords,
talking the ones provided at registration,
and even those by recording from various social.

If you lose your password you can restore it with a
new through the automatic system.

Pasword Recovery

to change your password click on the link

On your request we can erase all your data on your site.

Ad Reference ID: 2765B07386437B91

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Information about the ad poster

  • Listed by: EeeVai
  • Member Since: 09/12/2014

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